Thursday, March 17, 2011

Book 15 of the 50 Book Challenge

The Little Stranger  by Sarah Waters, 499 pages

Started March 6th, finished March 13th

This is a book recommended by a friend.  We have swapped a few book suggestions.  Her blog can be found here -

This is a pretty famous author that has previously passed me by.  I had heard of the TV serial Tipping the Velvet but didn't even realise there was a book behind it.

The tale is set not long after WWII in a rural village in the Midlands.  It is narrated by the main character, a local doctor who is worried about the effect the coming NHS will have on his livelihood.  The story starts after he called to the local stately home to a 'sick' housemaid.  After this visit, as time goes by he becomes closer to the family who live in the house.  The tale looks at various aspects of life for people in this time of change.  How the fortunes of the classes are changing.

It's a highly atmospheric book.  The cat wasn't very popular when he pounced on the bed as I was in a particularly spooky bit!  It is a long book but I enjoyed the time I spent in it's pages.  The progress of the characters was very well done and kept me engrossed.

Spoilers below rollover to view

I particularly liked the ambiguous ending to the book.  Coupled with no happy endings for anyone.  This tale defies expectations in that way.  I like a few ends to be left loose.  It gives me something to chew over once I've closed the cover for the last time.

4.5 out of 5 pawprints.

Total so far, Books - 15, Pages - 4.396

Next - A Florentine Death by Michele Giuttari


Paul said...

Ah! Interesting review. I have this sitting in a pile of books waiting to be read... I say 'pile' whereas 'mountain' would be more appropriate.

I recommend "Twelve" by Jasper Kent...

Mek’s Meanderings said...

I'm trying (and failing) not to buy any books to finish this challenge. I have at least 50 unread books to go at. I just need to stay off Amazon......

Paul said...

Fair enough :) I'm probably going to get back into my Target reviews soon. It's nice being able to drop in and out of them when I feel like it. I have a few other books and things I want to talk about too...

Anonymous said...

I am happy you enjoyed it! :-)
I know what you mean about staying off Amazon, just bought another book yesterday while I still have some of the ones you sent me to read!! I am hopless!
Twelve is a very good book btw, I highly recommend it too! :-)

Mek’s Meanderings said...

You're bad influences the pair of you ;-)

@Paul Looking forward to the target reviews coming back. But you know that means I'll have to acquire one or two!

Anonymous said...

I've placed a hold on it at the library. That way my 50 book challenge won't bankrupt me!

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