Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 12 - 30 Film Challenge

A Film by my Least Favourite Director

This was a toughie.  I don't have a least favourite director really.  If I hate a film it's unlikely I'll give a director another go.  So I went with the film that left the nastiest taste in the mouth.  This film was awful.  The first one was unnecessary but didn't really stain one of my favourite tv shows.  This one did.  It touched on the offensive and the reek of cashing in was potent.  If you're going to look at how women are treated in certain parts of the world don't belittle it with Gucci.  Michael Patrick King (and everyone else involved) SHAME ON YOU. 


Paul said...

Wow. You actually watched it! I never 'got' Sex and the City. I tried to watch the TV series but it just seemed like a lot of spoiled, monstrous women behaving in a way that would make most normal people feel sick. I know that it wasn't written for men but if women truly aspire to be like the horrendous creatures on that show, then the world is in a sorry state...

I do have a Least Favourite Director - but I'll get around to him soon enough :)

Mek’s Meanderings said...

I never aspired to be like any of the women but I did love the show. I think all of the women had certain aspirational qualities but they were also written to have aspects no-one would want either.

I think the show gets heralded in ways it doesn't deserve but there's also a negative backlash I find unfair too.

Paul said...

Well, you at least viewed it as just a TV show. I seem to recall that women's magazines, TV and... everywhere seemed to display them as role models! As for a negative backlash, I think a lot of successful series get that. Red Dwarf and Men Behaving Badly spring immediately to mind. Both hugely popular that no-one had a bad word to say against. Several years later they are dirt on the bottom of your show. Then a few years after that, reappraised as works of genius.

The one thing the viewing public are unfailingly good at is hypocrisy :)

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