Monday, January 18, 2010

Come Fly With George

The 2nd half of yesterday's double bill was considerably lighter.  Although it had it's bleak moments here and there.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the film.  I'd heard good things on the grapevine but I wasn't convinced.  Hollywood comedies aren't usually my first choice of film.  I'm glad I decided to give it a go though.

Again, a good cast made this film an enjoyable watch.  Clooney had a role he was made for.  He can do the drier, subtler types of comedy better than most actors, especially from the Hollywood breeding ground.  I suppose it can only help that he's so good to look at.  All three main roles were played well.  The protegee seemed quite wooden at times but I'm pretty sure she played it that way.

The film deals with a delicate subject in any economic climate.  The current one surely makes it even more so. The fact that the film itself didn't come over as callous as some of its characters I think is down to the screenplay.  Which is very well written.  Whilst taking on some of your more typical film ideas it deals with them in a much more interesting way than the usual fare.  This cannot be described as a Rom-Com yet it contains elements of both.

I was impressed and will definitely be watching this film again in the future.  If you like some intelligent comedy, that's still easy to watch give it a try yourself.

4 out of 5 pawprints


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