Monday, January 9, 2012

Tome Time - Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke

Started October 18th, finished October 28th.

As a teen this was my favourite sci-fi book.  It gripped me early on and kept me all the way through.  I was as desperate as the characters to know what was happening inside 'Rama'.

For some reason I haven't read it in a very long time, probably around fifteen years.  I've never forgotten it though and always remembered it with fondness if it was ever mentioned.  Then my wonderful dad appears with the entire Rama series for me.  He'd found them at a second hand book sale.  No excuses not to retread old paths then....

I was initially worried that I may be disappointed by it. My memory has a habit of pushing things further towards the end of the spectrum than they deserve.  I remember loving or loathing a lot but not so much things in the middle.

I did enjoy this book a lot this time.  The only drawback being that it felt a little dated.  A single comment about women in their space clothing was enough to make me cringe.  However it was not enough to spoil a great reading experience.  I forgive it its faults as they're surrounded by a wonderful story.  A story that unfolds at just the right pace to keep you desperate to know what's happening.  

One surprise was the length of the book.  I remembered it as being a much bigger book.  I'm assuming I must have mixed it up with others later in the series.  

The book ends with some finality and most questions unanswered.  I know there are sequels so this is no bad thing.  I do love an author that is brave enough to leave questions unanswered.  It gives you much less to quibble about and plenty to mull over.

I'm looking forward to getting to the rest of the series.  I remember much less of those than I do of this one.. I do know they're not all up to the quality of the original and I hope they won't make me sad for the legacy.

The first time you read this book will always be the best as you can let the story unfold as it should.  I will be reading it again and much sooner than 15 years on hopefully!  The story is easily strong enough for re-reads even without the 'surprise' aspect.

I can't think of a sci-fi book I enjoyed more so it still has it's favourite crown

4.5 out of 5 pawprints

Next - The Coach House Cats by Marilyn Edwards


Unknown said...

This is one of my all time faves, and was one of, if not the first non-Trek SF book I ever read. I'm also one of the freaks that loved the entire series, but the second book, Rama II is the best of the sequels. And if it helps temper the 'women in their space clothing' comment, Clarke was a still closeted gay man when he wrote that, so I tend to forgive his occasional clumsy attempts at straightness.

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