Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Need Your Help!

Reading Challenge 2012

Dear Reader, you probably know that I did the 50 Book Challenge this year.  As I have little responsibility in my life and I read too fast I managed to finish early.  I probably would again if I tried next year so I decided to opt for something a little different.

I would like to expand my reading outside my comfort zone.  I have decided on 12 genres and I would like you to choose for me a book in those genres.  Hopefully I will get at least one suggestion for a book that is new to me.  I will read at least one book from the genre list each month and try for more than that.

The list is below and I'll be repeating requests for each month as we go along.  Please comment with your suggestions.  I need help to travel further afield in the world of literature.

January - Great  American Novels.  This is an area I have hardly read anything at all.  In fact I think the only book that would qualify that I've read is To Kill A Mockingbird.

February - Historical Fiction.  I have read quite a bit in this field but I want to find something new.

March - Classic British Novels.  Again an area I am shamefully uneducated in.

April - Novels Set In or Around Manchester.  My latest interest in reading.

May - Travel Memoirs.  Not an area I've read much in at all.  Strange as I love to travel and this genre should appeal to me.

June - Fantasy Novel.  I haven't read much in this area lately.  Apart from the first in the Game of Thrones serial.

July - Biography.  An area I find fascinating but I want to read about someone that hasn't occurred to me before or one I've missed that I should have read.

August - Science Fiction.  An area in which I am scandalously badly read.

September - Crime Fiction.  Probably my favourite genre and I'm always hungry for more of it.

October - A Non-Adult Book.  Maybe teen fiction/young adult fiction would be a better description.  An area I feel many adults miss little gems.

November - Autobiography.  Same as with biography really :-)

December - Your Favourite Book.  Whatever you feel I should definitely read.  In any genre, fiction or non-fiction.

I am quite excited about this so please give me plenty of suggestions and ask people you know to do so too.


Paul said...

Dracula (Classic)
With Nails: The Film Diaries of Richard E Grant (Autobiography/Memoir)
The Ghost of Thomas Kempe (Non-Adult book)
The Baker's Boy (J.V.Jones Fantasy novel. Book 1 of 3)

Any good? :)

Mek’s Meanderings said...

Thanks Paul :-)

I have read Dracula and don't hate me, I enjoyed it until the dragged out ending. I have put the others into my Google Doc :-)

Paul said...

I don't hate you :) However I insist you read Anno Dracula. It's spectacularly good and I think, with your interest in the gothic, you'll love it!

Unknown said...

If you enjoyed your reading this year I wouldn't try to read less books than you did this year, but I do like your idea of trying to read outside your comfort zone. I might even ask your for some suggestions for me to read in the new year and I will try and think of some suggestions for you.

Unknown said...

Ok, for Historical Fiction might I recommend River God, by Wilbur Smith. It's a fantastic view of life in ancient Egypt.

Fantasy- On a Pale Horse, by Piers Anthony. It's the first in his Incarnations of Immortality series, and does the 'man kills Death/must become Death' better than anyone.

Sci Fi- If you want serious and long then either Dune, by Frank Herbert, or Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. If you want romantic Anne McCaffrey's Crystal Singer is wonderful. If you want light and fun, Harry Harrison's The Stainless Steel Rat is ace.

And my favorite book that I think you'd love is Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimon.

Mek’s Meanderings said...

@Paul Which genre should I put Anno Dracula in?

Thanks Adnams. I'll hopefully be reading the same amount but on a wider plane.

Thanks Rick. All those are new to me.

Unknown said...

Of Mice and Men; The Grapes of Wrath; On The Road (Great American Novel)

Anything by Neil Gaiman, or Tolkein (Fantasy)

Bill Bryson for the Travel memoirs

Mek’s Meanderings said...

Thanks for those, it's filling out nicely :-)

Paul said...

Which genre for Anno Dracula..?

It's 'Alternate History', 'Crime', 'Gothic Horror'... You may have to invent a genre for it :)

Mek’s Meanderings said...

I will put it into December's list :-)

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