Monday, June 20, 2011

Book 40 of the 50 Book Challenge

Remembrance of the Daleks by Ben Aaronovitch, 152 pages

Started June 11th, finished June 13th.

This is a read along with the Escape to Danger blog.

I haven't seen or read any McCoy since he was on screen.  he was never my favourite Doctor by a very long way.  I wasn't fond of his companions either.  Add to that his appearance in the abomination of 1996 and he's way down my list.

Having said all that, this is one of his stories that stuck in my head.  Probably my favourite that I have faded memories of from his era.

I found this book difficult to immerse myself in though.  The style of writing didn't flow for me.  Not sure if this was my state of mind or the style.  The chapter set up didn't help.  mainly short and snappy.  With occasional much longer ones thrown in.  The chapters aren't titled either, just given diary format, dates and times.

The characters in the book do a lot of looking back to WWII.  This is set in the 60's and the war is still a huge influence.  A theme running through the book is one of inequality and prejudice.  The 'No Blacks' signs in B&B's are highlighted.  Ace remembers her friend's family's suffering due to not being white.  A sad pointer that things hadn't been solved 25 years on.

My (not too) inner child just has to say - Daleks fighting Daleks, oh yes!  Here too the race element is brought into the story.  I hope this theme influenced 80's children for the better about vicious small mindedness.  I am looking forward to getting to the TV version of this in my run through.  I want to see how subtly the themes are dealt with there.  Daleks fighting Daleks is pretty cool.  

This is the story that brought about the flying Dalek.  I remember my jaw dropping as a kid as the Doctor and Ace got to the safety of the stairs.  Only to find the pepperpot could fly.  So much for the Daleks' famous design flaw.

This is a  bloody good story.  I just found it difficult to get through.  I have to say it's one of the stories I'm most looking forward to on my journey through the DVDs.

3 out of 5 pawprints

Total so far, Books - 40, Pages -12, 153

Next - From Bangkok to BC by Wolf E Boy


Wolfeeboy said...


Paul said...
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Paul said...

I hadn't finished this but made an effort as soon as I saw your review. Can't have you following me and finishing the books before I do... :D

Mek’s Meanderings said...

This is the first and I'm guessing the last time that will happen ;-)

Adam said...

This is one of the better later TARGET novelisations. I am not a big fan of the either the Seventh Doctor or this story but the novel is quite good.

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