Thursday, August 11, 2011

Book 50 of the 50 Book Challenge

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré, 359 pages

Started July 6th, finished July 18th.

This read was brought on by the impending film adaptation.  I've long been meaning to watch the TV serial from the 70's.  As I'm one of 'those people' I needed to read the book first. 

I'm glad I have read the book before watching it.  I'm sure it's easier to grasp the beginnings of the tale in book form.  Learning who's who and from which department they're from.  Along with whether they are currently in favour or not.

The book gives a great sense of Cold War atmosphere.  Once you get into it and you're more familiar, it's much easier to follow the flow of the story.  It is a great story that I can't say isn't well told.  It just seemed to drag for me.  I'm not sure whether I was reading it too late at night or it was the author's style.  I haven't read anything else by le Carre.  I'm not in a rush to remedy this either.  I can't find fault, I just couldn't get a rhythm of reading that matched the writing.  I'll be interested to see how they adapt the story into just a film.  Hopefully they will do it justice.  I'm currently two episodes into the TV version and it's very well paced to match the book.  I have no complaints about this book but it's never going to be one of my favourites.

3.5 out of 5 pawprints

Total so far, Books - 50, Pages - 14,691  DAMMIT!  I failed to make the page count within the allotted number of books.  Never mind I'll keep going until I hot that 15,000.

Next - More Cat Tales from Moon Cottage by Marilyn Edwards


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