Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 25 - 30 Film Challenge

My Favourite Documentary Film

Now, I love towers.  I feel they're our mark on the world.  A statement that we're here on this planet.  Some are nicer than others but all hold an allure.  I want to get to the top.  The top as in the legally allowed top.  The top that's reached by a lift.  Preferably with a nice screen telling you how fast you're climbing. I then like to look out of the windows of the provided observation deck.  Feel a little queasy at the height.  Marvel at the ant cars and be impressed with the architecture and engineering that got me to the observation deck.  I NEVER want to do anything like sneak away from the provided area.  I am way too scared.

The Twin Towers weren't admired by everyone for their aesthetics.  People had complained about them from the time they were a sparkle in the NYC planners eyes.  But they were awe inspiring.  Not just one but two.  To stand at the bottom and look up was an experience in itself.  The pop of your ears in the lift gave you a smile.  The view from the top was spectacular.  They are all normal thoughts.

To cross between them on a wire?  That is above and beyond what I believed possible.  I'm not sure if I believe it now after reading the book (To Reach the Clouds) and watching the documentary twice each.

This documentary keeps me totally engrossed.  I feel my gut clench as he begins his folly.  Even though I knew the outcome.  I don't think I'd describe Philippe Petit as brave exactly. To be brave you need to first be afraid.  I'm not sure he ever was afraid, just determined beyond all normal levels.

Those towers inspired me as to what we could achieve.  His walk was something beyond what we should be capable of achieving.  Thankfully he achieved his goal safely.  

The story of how he and his band of helpers got to the finale is pretty damn good too.


Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting! I will check Love Films for it too! Thanks for pointing this one out :-)

Paul said...

Never seen this. May have to rent it! :)

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